Tuesday, October 7, 2008

China would slow outreach pace

In the first six months of 2008 alone, Chinese outbound M&A reached $32 billion in 102 deals. The numbers eclipse the entire year of 2007 and dwarfs preceding years. As of mid-2008, China's total cumulative outbound investment approached $150 billion, and the rate of growth is unlikely to slow in the near to medium term.

Chinese companies have many reasons for undertaking cross-border deals. Some of the most common motivations include gaining access to resources, brand building and strategic rationale.

Recent cross-border deals outside of the resources arena have also stemmed from Chinese firms wanting to broden its position in international financial market, for instance, CIC’s deal with Blackston and Ping An with Fortis. But amid the most severe crisis on Wall Street in more than half a century, Chinese companies would become more and more cautious for their next step.

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